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Praying Hands



Transfiguration of Jesus Catholic Church has established various ministries and committees to enable us to use our gifts to work toward its mission of:

  • Supporting the worship of God as the focus of parish life;

  • Promoting a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith;

  • Fostering a deeper unity and stronger fellowship within the parish;

  • Enabling the lay faithful to become bearers of Jesus Christ in word and deed; and

  • Reaching out to assist and support those less fortunate.


One of the strengths of our parish is that we come from many different parishes both nationally and internationally.  This influx brings new ideas that build on the foundation of what has been done before.  Your prayerful consideration as to what gifts you can share with us to further our mission is greatly appreciated.



Music Ministry

Add to the beauty of the Mass by singing with our choir on Saturday or Sunday.  Participate in our Christmas concert.

Children Praying
Human Life & Dignity Ministry

The Human Life & Dignity Committee coordinates, supports, and initiates parish activities defending human life and dignity from conception through natural death.  Ministry initiatives include beginning of life, end of life, marriage & family life, prison ministry, migrant worker support, food pantry, and care for creation activities.

Knights of Columbus

Join this active fraternal organization of Catholic men whose work focuses on four principles:  charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Greeters
  • Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and bring the sacrament to the sick and homebound.

  • Read scripture at Mass.

  • Provide a warm welcome to parishioners and others who visit our parish.  Collect offertory at Mass.  Assist in seating parishioners and guests at Mass when needed.

Faith Formation Ministry

Prepare those who wish to be confirmed in the Catholic faith (adults and children) in the tenets of that faith.  Offer opportunities to reinforce that faith, especially during Lent and Advent.

Women of Transfiguration Church (WOTC)

All women of Transfiguration Catholic Church that are 18 years and older are welcome. WOTC mission is to unite Transfiguration of Jesus Catholic women in spiritual, charitable, & fraternal initiatives and provide others in the parish with help and support as needed.

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