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Council 12921  *  Wallace, NC

Per our founding principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism, The Knights of Columbus follow the Bible: "I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Matthew 25:40


We are a group of practicing Catholic Men who have stepped up to help the Parish, the Community, and those people who need our assistance.  The Knights are Church Council members, Church Maintenance managers, Bishop's Annual Appeal solicitors, Lenten Supper organizers, Food Bank helpers, Prisoner & Hospital Chaplains, Eucharistic Ministers, Mass Readers, and Mass Greeters.


Being a Knight is all about giving back to your community and building bonds of brotherhood.  Come join us!


If you would like to be a part of our efforts to support our parish and our local community, please contact Dan Kusnierz, Grand Knight.


​​The Knights, under the auspices of the Least Among My Brethren (LAMB) Foundation NC, Inc. sponsored the Bill Lord Memorial tournament on August 30, 2024 at River Landing.  It was a fun filled day.  Above are some of the teams that helped us raise over $13,000 to support Duplin County Exceptional Student programs.  We want to thank everyone who supported us this year.  We are always amazed at the generosity and support of our Duplin County community.  God bless you all.

​Mike Vandiver

Event Coordinator


16th Annual Knights of Columbus L.A.M.B Tournament in support of  

Duplin Co. Schools Exceptional Children


     For years the Bill Lord Memorial Golf Tournament has raised thousands of dollars benefiting the Duplin County Schools Exceptional Children’s (EC) program.


     Named for the late Bill Lord, former Wallace resident and member of Knights of Columbus Council 12921, this tournament has raised about $100,000, all of which has been granted to assist teachers in the Duplin EC program. This past year, teachers of exceptional children from 12 Duplin County schools applied for and received grants totaling over $8,500 in educational aids.  All purchases must be something the children use. Multi-sensory equipment, books, science projects, phonics, reading aids and special playground equipment are some of the items that have been purchased in the past.


     The Knights wish to extend their gratitude to all sponsors, donors, and players who make this tournament successful year after year.


     "The Bill Lord Golf Tournament has been instrumental in supporting our Exceptional Children’s program in Duplin County schools for more than 15 years. The funds they continue to raise provide amazing grant opportunities for our teachers that truly contribute to the success of our students in the classroom and beyond. On behalf of the Board of Education, we thank them for their continued support," said Dr. Austin Obasohan, Superintendent for Duplin County Schools. 

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The K of C has received the distinction of Star Council for 2023-2024, the international organization’s top award for local councils, recognizing excellence in program activity, membership growth, insurance promotion, sponsorship of faith formation and service oriented activities.


COUNCIL 12921 KNIGHT OF THE YEAR 2023/2024 was awarded to Mike Orlowski.  Congratulations Mike!

Take a Closer Look

deacon mike
deacon of the year

Deacon Mike was recently named Deacon of the Year by the State Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, Rev. William Lesak.  He was selected out of 95 deacons in the Diocese of Raleigh for his active involvement in supporting Faith in Action programs.  Deacon Mike has been coordinating the Diocese prison ministry since 2014 and has been instrumental in starting church services in 15 prisons and a mental hospital, travelling over 1000 miles monthly.  His work personifies "Bring Jesus to the people and places that need Him most," a goal of the North Carolina Knights.  Congratulations Deacon Mike!


dance for life

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