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About us

our pastoRAL TEAM

Please call me Father Randy.  I belong to the missionary-religious order known as the Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae (CICM) or the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  In the United States, we are known as Missionhurst-CICM.


I was born in Rizal, Kalinga, Philippines on November 21,1974 to Antonio Gonzales and Lydia Valdez.  I have two brothers, Richard and Lito.  Both are married and each has a son.


I entered the CICM pre-novitiate program in 1992 right after high school.  After graduating from St. Louis University in Baguio City/Maryhurst Seminary (Philosophy), I proceeded to Taytay, Rizal for the Novitiate program from May 1996-May 1997.  I pronounced by first vows of chastity, obedience, and poverty on May 16, 1997.  I then proceeded to Quezon City to join the post-novitiate program (Theology) at CICM International Formation Community (CIFC).  I arrived in the United States on September 10, 2001.  I was ordained to the priesthood on July 29, 2004.  

Rev. Randy Gonzales, CICM

From 2004 to 2007, I was a parochial vicar at Sacred Heart Church in Mercedes, TX.  In September 2007, I moved to Arlington, VA where I served as Assistant Director and subsequently became Director of Development until December 2018.  After 12 years of working in Administration, the CICM US Province granted me a semester of sabbatical in Berkeley, CA. On December 15, 2019, I was appointed the new pastor of Transfiguration of Jesus Catholic Church (Wallace, NC) and Santa 'm Mission (Magnolia, NC).


When I'm not in the office, at church, or attending to parishioners, I'm busy doing CrossFit. I enjoy biking, hiking, and cooking.  Y'all have my contact info, so call, text, or email me.


After a five year period of discernment and intensive theological studies, Rev. Deacon Michael Vandiver was ordained Permanent Deacon of the Catholic Church on June 28, 2014, by Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Diocese of Raleigh.  Deacon Mike, as he prefers to be called, began serving Transfiguration of Jesus Catholic Church following the retirement of Rev. Deacon Robert Price.


Deacon Mike is also a member of the Knights of Columbus Council 12921 and a past Grand Knight.  He is involved with many parish and community activities, one of which is the annual Bill Lord Memorial Golf Tournament which raises money to benefit children with special needs in Duplin County schools.  He also leads the parish participation in the prison ministry which serves those who are incarcerated in both Duplin and Pender counties.


Deacon Mike retired to the Wallace area after a 30 year career with the Gillette Company.  He and his wife have three children and nine grandchildren.  Like many, Deacon Mike felt a calling to serve the Church and now shares his energy and love for Christ in service to our parish and community.

Deacon Mike Vandiver
Brother Wil, CICM Intern

I am Wilfredirikus Emilius Amnunuh. Call me Brother Wil. I was born on May 28, 1994. I am from Timor Occidental, Indonesia. I was raised in a family that has always been involved in parish activities. Since my childhood, I have felt the fire burning within me to become a religious missionary. This zeal brought me knocking at the door of CICM after finishing my Minor Seminary years in my hometown in 2012. I officially entered CICM on September 01, 2012, in the Orientation Year Program in Makassar, Indonesia with other fifteen seminarians. In 2013, I began my philosophy studies at Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, and finished it in 2017.


Having finished my philosophy studies, I decided to continue my journey with CICM. My three classmates and I were sent to the Philippines to begin our novitiate program. After five months of studying English, I began my novitiate year with eight co-novices on June 29, 2018, and finished it a year after. I professed my first vows in CICM on June 29, 2019, with six remaining confreres. I was assigned to study theology in Quezon City, Philippines alongside with my four other confreres, while the two were sent to Cameroon. I finished my theology studies in 2022. With this, I have completed my academic requirements to continue with the last stage of initial formation.

In January 2021, the CICM General Government assigned me to the United States CICM Province as my mission destination. Since my arrival, I took up TOEFL, attended a few classes at Oblate School of Theology, and most recently, in Antigua, Guatemala to learn Spanish. On September 1, 2023, I will begin my internship at Transfiguration of Jesus Parish and St. Clara Mission, Magnolia. I am looking forward to getting involved in the various programs of the parish and mission, to learning, and sharing my faith to the community. Thank you for your welcome and the honor to be serving in the parish and mission.


Email Us


510 East Main Street

Wallace, NC  28466


Mailing address:

P.O. Box 1601

Wallace, NC  28466



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